Folio vocab.

l’argent de poche – Vocab

Here is some extra vocabulary to help you to prepare your Writing Folio and Speaking tests.

Daily routine – notes in French and in English to help you to describe your daily routine.

Ma Ville

Holidays – notes in French and in English to help you to describe your holidays.

Holidays credit phrases – hints of how to achieve a credit pass

Les Vacances Ideales – if you want to talk about your ideal holidays ( maybe towards the end of your essay) there are lots of phrases to help you in French and English

Les Vacances sample essay (Int 2 level) – a sample essay by a previous assistant. The language is advanced in the essay but if you like some of the sentences and they apply to your holiday, put it into your essay

3 Responses to Folio vocab.

  1. Regan McL says:

    Would Help If Grammar Notes Were Available To Help With The ‘Routine Essay’

  2. Regan McL says:

    Also I Dont Like The Last Paragraph Before ‘Le week-end dernier – last weekend’ title… i think it is

  3. If you wish to change the content of your essay or of one paragraph, feel free!! I’d prefer to read something personal that you’re interested in writing rather than something you find, stereotypical.
    Also, as well as the grammar notes that you have from class on present tense and reflexive verbs, please see Higher French Grammar ‘Present Tense’, and see the link below,articleId-25546.html

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